Friday 3 February 2012

Pantanal or; My my, Pablo, that´s a large weapon you´re carrying...

To the wetlands!

As if it wasn´t humid enough already, we´ve just spent the last few days in the Pantanal, which is a large expanse of wetlands with the largest amount of flora and fauna anywhere. Fantastic! It was much like the Amazon, although even noisier at night!

The lodge was really cool, all built from wood, and on stilts to deal with the flooding in the wet season. I might add that it is now the wet season, and as we arrived a MASSIVE storm broke out, meaning that it was raining for about 2 hours in the biggest torrent I have ever seen. Itwas literally pouring from the sky. We were soaked through, and had to wait for our guide who was stranded somwhere else. But we had cards and a pool table, so we were all set.

We went on a boat ride to spot animals (a LOT of alligators and birds) and spent the following day at a ´farm´which is more like a ranch. We trekked through the forest to spot weird and wonderful animals and plants, then the others went on a horse ride through the landscape. Obviously I had to miss out due to my death allergy to horses, instead suffering the injustice of lounging in a hammock all afternoon. Shame.

Still, I got chatting the guide, Pablo, in Spanish, which was good. It got me practising a bit more and earnt myself a new friend.

Also, this morning just before we left we went piranha fishing!!!!!! AMAZING. I caught a big fat one with huge teeth. Jack caught three and a massive catfish, which got thrown back for another day. We then ate them for brunch. Fantastic way to start the day!

Needless to say, that after lathering myself liberally with DEET, I still managed to receive 8 mosquito bites whilst there. Aargh.

Still, a little goodbye peck on the cheek from Pablo made up for it...

1 comment:

  1. Piranha fish !...Was that what you actually had for brunch !! With the temperature at 40 degrees and the humidity as well ..... rather you than me Gunga Din. Lounging in a hammock listening to all the wonderful that sounds good.
