Saturday 21 January 2012

Lake Titicaca pt I

After a brief night back in Cusco, we made the seven hour bus journey to Puno, a university town just next to Lake Titicaca. Very nice, although we didn´t spend too much time there as we were mainly there to visit the islands in the lake.


The lake seems to be on top of the world. At 4,100 metres, I think it pretty much is. Super horizons, the sky and the water stretch on and on for miles. It is incredible.

We took a boat to one of the reed islands - man-made islands with a small community living on it in reed huts. It was strange; they have to replace the top reeds (the ones making the ´ground´ on which you walk) every fifteen days. A labour-intensive way of living, although all they seem to do is fish and make souvenirs for the visiting tourists.

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