Saturday 7 January 2012


Tomorrow I'm off to Jackie's as early on Monday morning we GO! Very excited, but I have a rather large piece of paper with scribbles all over it, also known as my to-do list. As usual I've left everything to the last minute, and instead of actually packing or photocopying the million pieces of paper I have to take with me, I am typing this babble.

I think I've got everything down to a capsule wardrobe. I have everything covered; cold, rain, heat, beach, city, mountains. All in a 45 ltr rucksack. Although I suspect there will be very little room for souvenirs. I guess I can always throw away some of my clothes. They're pretty much all cheap and cheerful items. Socks have been an issue. I only have 3 pairs. I bought some rubbish ones in Tesco yesterday, but hopefully they'll do!

I'm more worried about my elephant foot anyway. My right foot is all puffed up and swollen for no apparent reason. Not sure if my walking boot will actually go on said foot. Hmmm.

Is Machu Picchu wheelchair accessible?

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